
Day 304 – 2xist Varsity/Athletic Blue No Show Briefs

I know, I know…it’s Thong Thursday. Forgive me. I had one ready to go this morning and then I thought about the trek home last through 60 blocks in Manhattan and just thought that even a comfortable thong would not be good for that. I went with form and function over fashion a lot over the last few days. Trust. I would have loved to have worn my really fun Kenneth Cole patent leather loafers yesterday – they went with my outfit so well, but I wore my grey and blue kicks instead – comfortable if I had to walk. Today, I wore a hella comfortable pair of Tsubo shoes/boots that I used to wear when I stood around outside in cold/wet weather on set for hours at a time. In case I had to walk. Not necessarily fun to look at from a fashion sense, but oh so practical when you have to slog through the city to get home. I avoided a thong for the same reason. Even my most comfortable, I’ll never notice it Almost Naked though would have me chafed – not to mention my ass chafed from rubbing against the denim on a long walk. Function over fashion is sometimes a necessity. At least I chose fashionable function with these bright blue 2xist no show briefs – from either the Athletic or Varsity line – sorry, I honestly don’t remember.

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