
DAY 286 – Black 2xist No Show Briefs

Yesterday I met with the trainer and lifted heavy after just landed a few hours prior. I was sore, and had already planned to meet with the running coach for a run through Central Park. We went and ran the reservoir and I managed a 10 minute mile…not too bad. Probably my best time yet. Then it was back to the gym and some kettle bell action…really went through my paces in the last 24 hours. I came home and crashed – hadn’t meant to…just happened. Went to dinner and spent some time with C – mexican tonight – was yummy and I totally cheated a little, but was so worth it! Not to mention was nice to spend time with C, even if it was only short.

Not even sure what line these came from, when I got them or how long I’ve had them…they are what they are though. Stable and comfortable and easy to wear. Not that the pop of purple off setting the black hurts either!

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