It’s jet-lag day. I thought I had conquered this and the days of being really jet-lagged were behind me. Maybe not. I couldn’t sleep last night and got a few hours and then was wide awake. Decided that I should just go into the office and get some things done. I set the bar really low – I wanted to clean up and out the email inbox. Done! Saw the trainer and was wiped. Now I’ve been sitting home catching up on some television and blogging. I pulled these white geometric print Rockwood briefs out of the drawer this morning. I wasn’t a huge fan of the trunks I had from them, but I am really liking the briefs. PaulyC also wore his recently. I didn’t have the adjusting problem he mentioned, I found the fit quite good and enjoyed having them on all day. Like PaulyC I did really enjoy the pattern and it’s what drew me to them initially. Overall, not bad for a purchase I only had to pay shipping for.
you look great in theses!