Jake has already answered this one, but we thought it was a great question for all three Ask Us bloggers to answer. So, here’s mine.
Aaron asks: “I have often wondered if for those members that have chest or abdomen hair, What was your growth pattern. When did it start, how did it fill in, Do you have any pics of your chest hair growing from when you were younger, What did others think of it? Thanks.”
Well Aaron, my pattern was the chest first and around the middle and worked it’s way out over the pecs and nipples and then down toward the belly button. At the same time the treasure trail was growing up from the pubes toward the belly button where they met in the middle. I would say that the bulk of my hair growth started around 14. This is the best pic I could get for you…was a naked sunday today…so easy to get the shot! Hope that answers your question Aaron, and we look forward to more from you or our other readers!
This is the best pic of you I’ve found to date! Naked and furry! Me likie!