
Day 71 – Nation Up North Trunks

I had a session with my running trainer/coach today. We do a lot of body mapping exercises and then sprinting to make sure that I am running correctly. That I don’t re-injure myself with my barefoot running and to make sure that I am ready to go and run outside when I hit London again in April. I will be ready and will not face another set back!

I was freeballing in some tights for the running session outside, but wanted something super comfy to just lounge around in for the rest of the afternoon, so after another cup of coffee and relaxing after my session, I hopped in the shower and threw these Nation Up North trunks on. They are super comfy. I got them on a whim as they claimed to never droop or sink, and that the waistband would never roll. I have to say they were right on the money. I have never had any issues with them and they are super comfy!

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