Welcome to the last week of our January challenge. It’s been great reading about your struggles and successes this month! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to try out the routine a few times, and have started feeling comfortable with the movements.
This last week I’m going to toss in a twist. Just like the first week, we’re doing two circuits:
Circuit 1:
· Exercise 1: Pushups to Failure
· Exercise 2: Squats for 60 seconds
Circuit 2:
· Exercise 1: Planks 15 seconds
· Exercise 2: Side Planks for 15 seconds
· Exercise 3: Bicycle Kicks for 30 seconds
However, this week, for your first set, the challenge is to perform these alternate movements!
Instead of regular push ups, try Alternating Staggered Push Ups:
Instead of regular squats, try the Sumo Squat:
Sumo Squat: http://youtu.be/gAe8Gms3Pv0and http://youtu.be/jbA8akeUmpo
Instead of traditional planks, try the Up Up Down Down Planks:
And for your side planks, try the Side Plank with Leg Raise:
If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can replace the entire Circuit 2 with this Crazy Plank Routine: