
RWraith55 “Double” Gear Review: Apollowear – WJ Cock Strap & Cock Jock

So boys and men its been a while since I posted and I’m actually up for two reviews. So this one will be a double review so I can get back on track. Lucky for me the two items are similar and the same brand so it will work out perfectly. 

The awesome folks at Apollowear sent myself and the other bloggers on Undies101 with a bunch of great stuff for us to review for you all. The two items that I had the chance to review so far are the WJ Cock Strap and the WJ Cock Jock. Both are very interesting items and I had a GREAT time sporting both of them.

The Cock Strap goes by another more common name, cockring. This particular one is make of soft material and has two metal snaps to keep it nice and snug but at the same time it feels so good that you could sport it all day long, as I did. When I sported this for a number of days I was wearing both jocks and thongs and loved it. Didn’t even notice I had it on, which I believe is the true test of any cockring. I also got it in a very cool purple color, see pics below. There are a variety of colors to get the cock strap in so check out the Apollowear website for the WJ brand as well as many others.

Now onto the WJ Cock Jock. This item also can be referred to by another name, a ball lifter. A number of other brands out there have also done this but I feel WJ has done a great job. One main reason is that the cost is very cheap for one and it obviously fits great. Its comfortable and can be worn all day. Now when I decided to sport this I went commando under a pair of dress slacks. But this can obviously be put on prior to slipping on your favorite undies to give your package that extra lift we all know and love.

Below is our rating scale for our underwear/gear reviews:

Flirting Material: It fits okay, really great to wear out for a short amount of time.
Hookup Material: The fit is much better, sits well and wears well, but might not be comfortable for all day wear.
Dating Material:  The fit is great, sits well, accentuates the positives and wears really well – suitable for all day wear.
Match Made in Heaven: You love the fit, you love the style, best undies you’ve worn in years and will be part of your regular wear.
 In terms of our rating scale I give these both the WJ Cock Strap and the WJ Cock Jock a rating of “Match Made in Heaven”. These gear enhancing items are great, fit well and are very comfortable. I recommend them for all. Please check out the Apollowear website for all the WJ brand gear they carry as well as the other great brands. 

Have a great week!!

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