
Ask us

Aaron asks, ” I have often wondered if for those members that have chest or abdomen hair. What was your growth pattern? When did it start? How did it fill in? Do you have any pics of your chest hair growing from when you were younger? What did others think of it?”

My chest hair started around my nipples first then worked it’s way to meet in the middle. My abdomen started as a treasure trail just below my navel then grew outward from there.
It all started around 13 and I think was finally done around 25.  I have been swimming since I was 8 and shaved it all of since it started growing, so unfortunately no pictures from then. Back then people seemed  to like everything smooth and shaved. As I have gotten older and just trim down and manscape the body hair people seem to like that too.

Thank your the question! Keep them coming! 

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